PAN Indian film Adipurush, starring Prabhas, is just two weeks away from its release. The movie based on the Indian epic Ramayan is directed by Om Raut, who previously directed Ajay Devgn’s Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior. The trailer and Jai Shri Ram song brought positive vibes around the film.
It is known that the pre-release event will happen in the holy city of Tirupathi on June 6, and arrangements are being made for the same. Now the buzz that is going viral on social media is that the makers will unveil a second trailer at this event to amplify the hype. However, the official announcement is yet to come.
The openings are expected to be solid, especially in North and Telugu states. Kriti Sanon played Sita, while Saif Ali Khan played Ravanasura. Devdatta Nage and Sunny Singh are playing other important roles. Adipurush is produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, Prasad Sutar, Rajesh Nair, Vamsi, and Pramod under the banners of T-Series Films and Retrophiles.