Baahubali 2 to be introduced as case study at IIM Ahmedabad

Released in April last year, Baahubali The Conclusion went on to become the country’s all-time biggest blockbuster by grossing over 1,600 crores. In yet another honor in its historic journey, Baahubali 2 will now be introduced as a case study in one of India’s premiere business schools IIM Ahmedabad.

In the IIMA’s new academic year, the students of Contemporary Film Industry – a business perspective, will study Baahubali 2 to learn the power of sequel and how a sequel can de-risk the movie as a marketing concept.

The course will focus on marketing mantras evolving around sequels and how decisions need to be taken that respect art and creativity of a movie and yet are able to make money. The institute will also invite several industry professionals and Bollywood stars to share their experience with the students.