Despite marriage, work comes first for Ram Charan!

People often takes lives of celebrities for granted. We believe that they lead a swanky lifestyle where they get to dictate all the terms and things happen without any glitch. But what we fail to realize is that for most of them, work comes first. A day after his wedding, Ram Charan has announced that he’s going to join the shooting of V V Vinayak’s upcoming film early next week. “Upasana and I have no plans of going to honeymoon as of now. I’ll join the shooting of V V Vinayak’s film in 3-4 days and we are trying our best to release the film in October,” Ram Charan revealed while interacting with his fans at the grand reception earlier today. Meanwhile, Chiranjeevi, who was on the dais, said, “When I got married, my wife understood that I was busy with film shootings and we couldn’t spend quality time together. Now, my son, Ram Charan is lucky to marry a girl like Upasana who understands him completely.” For the past five days, families of Ram Charan and Upasana had been busy with various ceremonies and now that they are married, it’s work as usual for everyone.