It’s time for Tollywood to embrace Social Media

The cue was given by Kolaveri Di. Perhaps the success of the song gave the movie (3) disproportionate publicity. It will do just fine if you happen to be the producer of the film. There is enough curiosity factor to give it a try in a long weekend. In today’s age of maximum prints being released in minimum time this strategy suits just fine. This is all the more true for the genre of small cinema that to begin with has minimal publicity spends. Love Failure (*ing Siddarth) generated 10,000 likes on Facebook. The producers needless to say are happy. An even more astronomical count is the 2 lac hits for its trailer on the You Tube. All this is within two days of the trailer being put up in the site. This gives a positive buzz for a film. Considering this, it’s about time that Tollywood embrace Facebook as part of its promotion plan.