Over enthusiastic fans create problems on YouTube

Telugu movie fans are some of the most vocal and passionate in the subcontinent. Hero worship goes to extreme levels in Andhra and Telangana and massive quarrels break out on social media between fans of competing heroes.

Now this trend is creating problems for production houses onYouTube. Over enthusiastic fans are trying to increase the views count for their favourite hero’s videos by trying to manipulate the system . The latest victim of this over enthusiastic nature is the big budgeted Baahubali.

The trailer has been blocked by YouTube today on grounds of violation. When we spoke to sources in the production team , we were told that the team is in discussion with Google over the incident . “Some fans have tried to increase views artificially by repeatedly refreshing the page without viewing the trailer. Even a small percentage of artificial views like this is taken very seriously by Google “, said the source.

In the past, similar problems were faced by the producers of ‘1 – Nenokkadine’. The second teaser of the film was blocked on similar grounds. A few weeks back, popular music house Aditya Music faced similar issues with the jukebox of ‘S/O Satyamurthy’, which was blocked by YouTube. The jukebox was later reinstated upon appeal.

Producers are requesting fans to stay away from trying to artificially manipulate views as it will harm the film in a big way. Let us see if the Baahubali team succeeds in its appeal of the blockage by YouTube.