Malayalam legendary actor Mohanlal has been going through a bad phase lately. All his recent films tanked at the box office. Now the star actor is all set to make his directorial debut with the film Barroz: Guardian of D’Gama’s Treasure.
South African music composer Mark Kilian has now come on board for the film. Mohanlal has revealed the same on his social profiles. Mark Kilian will be assisting the unit regarding the post-production works.
This is a fantasy film and is based on a novel of the same name. Bankrolled by Antony Preumbavoor under Aashirvad Cinemas, the movie will have Maya, Sara Vega, Tuhin Menon, Guru Somasundram, and Cesar Lorente Raton in crucial roles.
Team Barroz welcomes musical genius Mr. Mark Kilian onboard!#Barroz@santoshsivan #Jijo #RajeevKumar@antonypbvr @aashirvadcine
— Mohanlal (@Mohanlal) February 16, 2023