We are artists not terrorists, says RX 100 hero

Recently, two teenage boys from Jagityal, Telangana reportedly committed suicide by dowsing themselves in petrol due to love failure. The unfortunate incident led to an intense debate. A section of the media and common public alleged that the recent blockbuster, RX 100, had inspired the two young boys to take their lives.

But RX 100’s hero Kartikeya begged to differ. In a video message he tweeted last night, Kartikeya said that no film, artist or filmmaker encourages people to follow a wrong path. “We are artists not terrorists,” Kartikeya said, further adding that it’s unfair to blame RX 100 as there was no such scene where the hero commits suicide in the film.

We are artists not terrorists

.Lets make sure these situations will not be repeated again keeping an eye on younger generation not to have negative influence of anything. pic.twitter.com/fn1UFqKBNg

— Kartikeya (@ActorKartikeya) October 2, 2018