Chitchat with Karthi : Will be developing a muscled body soon

Published on Mar 18, 2013 6:22 PM IST

Chitchat with Karthi : Will be developing a muscled body soon

Published on Mar 18, 2013 6:22 PM IST


Tamil Star Karthi has been quietly building up his Telugu market. His films are being tailored to suit the tastes of Tamil and Telugu viewers. His latest film ,’Alex Pandian’, is gearing up to hit the screens on March 22nd in Andhra Pradesh as ‘Bad Boy’. Karthii interacted with members of the press recently and here is brief transcript of the conversation.

Q. Congratulations for being blessed with a beautiful baby girl. How is the experience?

A. (Smiles) Thanks. I am very delighted with this development and we have named her Umayaal. It means Parvathi, the wife of Lord Shiva. I like names that reflect our tradition and heritage, so I went with that name.

Q. When will you work with Telugu directors. Who is your favourite director?

A. I am listening to a number of scripts in Telugu right now. I have no particular director in mind. I like all directors here and if given a chance, I will work with all of them. Every director will have a unique way of presentation and that is why I like to work with different people. For example, Director Venkat Prabhu is making me work on a very fresh way of expressing emotions for the film ‘Biryani’. I would have missed out on this if not for ‘Biryani’.

Q. When will you work with your brother Surya?

A. A lot of people are asking me about this. I will surely work with him. We are looking out for the right story and if we like it, we will work together.

Q. Are you interested in developing a six pack body?

A. A six pack body won’t look good on me. I will lose my charm. But I will be developing a muscled body soon. I have okayed a script where I will be playing the role of a Boxer. A new director is handling this subject.

Q. What are your future projects ?

A. I am working for the film ‘Biryani’ currently. The movie will be a romantic thriller with Hollywood standard technical aspects. I am also working for ‘All in all Azhagu Raja’ and this will be a romantic entertainer. Kajal is the heroine in the movie. I have a few other in the pipeline

Let us see if the good natured Karthi can score a hit at the Box Office with ‘Bad Boy’.

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