Exclusive : Rapid Fire Round with Puri Jagan

Published on Oct 18, 2012 10:45 AM IST

Exclusive : Rapid Fire Round with Puri Jagan

Published on Oct 18, 2012 10:45 AM IST

We caught up with director Puri Jagan for an exclusive interview and our Box Office Babu Rao had some interesting questions to ask him (See that Interview here). On the sidelines, we also did a quick rapid fire round with the maverick movie maker. See what he has to say to our questions.

Q. Favourite Colour
A. Black

Q. Favourite Car
A. Maruti Zen – It was my first car and a first car is always special

Q. Favourite Pet
A. No one pet. All my pets are precious to me

Q. Do you believe in God?
A. Yes. But not in rituals and ceremonies

Q. Will you ever make a heroine centric film?
A. Yes. I have a few scripts ready

Q. Strongest female character in all your movies
A. Ileana’s in Nenu naa Rakshasi

Q. Toughest film to shoot
A. None

Q. Average time spent to pen a script
A. 15 days

Q. Future Tamil entry
A. Yes, waiting for it

Q. Son Akash’s future plans
A. Will send him to New York to study about films

Q. Lifetime ambitions
A. To make films on India, on God and on Politicans

Q. A movie thats dear to you but that didn’t do well
A. Neninthe

Q. Direction, Acting, Dancing, Fights, Screenplay – your favourite?
A. None of the above. Writing

Q.Favourite Tech brand
A. Apple

Q. Is Neninthe based on your life?
A. No

Q. Badri or CMGR?
A. CMGR will be a landmark film for Pawan

So there you are folks. A quick fire round with Puri Jagan. We hope you enjoyed going through it.



Click Here For ‘Box Office Babu rao Puri Jagannadh interview’