After impressing critics and audiences alike in Padmavat, Aditi Rao Hydari is all excited about her upcoming Hindi film Daas Dev. Directed by Sudhir Mishra, who launched her few years ago in Bollywood, the film is said to be a new take on the story of Devdas. Aditi has been cast as Chandramukhi, although her name in the film is Chandini.
Incidentally, unlike the original Devdas, which primarily focused on the story of Devdas and Paaro, Daas Dev is narrated from Chandini’s point of view, and Aditi stated that she found the role quite challenging. “Sudhir Mishra puts me in these crazy situations where I actually on the first day of shooting I went up to him and said that I have no idea who I am and how I’m going to play Chandni,” she said, adding that she merely followed what the director wanted her to do.
Meanwhile, she will make her Telugu cinema debut later this year with Indraganti Mohanakrishna’s next, and Aditi will soon join the sets of Mani Ratnam’s Nawab.