Sun Pictures, the leading Tamil film production house, is on cloud nine with the historic success of its latest outing, Superstar Rajinikanth’s Jailer. The Nelson Dilipkumar directorial has grossed nearly Rs 600 crore globally and has emerged as the second highest grossing Tamil movie of all-time after Rajini’s 2.0.
Yesterday, photographs of Sun Pictures’ head Kalanidhi Maran presenting a cheque to Rajini made a huge splash on the internet. Mr. Maran gave an additional remuneration to Rajini as a gesture of gratitude following Jailer’s humongous success and the overflow of profits. Today, Sun Pictures’ official X handle shared a video which reveals Kalanidhi Maran handing over the keys to a brand new BMW X7 car to the Thalaivar.
In the video, Rajini was offered to choose between two swanky new cars, and the stalwart actor chose a stylish black BMW X7. He also went on a short ride in his new possession. The Jailer anthem in the background has added more energy to this viral video.
#JailerSuccessCelebrations continue! Superstar @rajinikanth was shown various car models and Mr.Kalanithi Maran presented the key to a brand new BMW X7 which Superstar chose.
— Sun Pictures (@sunpictures) September 1, 2023