Always trust actor-producer Bandla Ganesh to turn the spotlight towards him and hog the limelight. He has done it yet again soon after his demigod and Janasena President Pawan Kalyan’s latest statements on his party’s alliance with the TDP and BJP ahead of the 2024 general elections.
Ganesh took to Twitter on Friday and posted a series of tweets that are now going viral among his fans. Ganesh, who had quit Telangana Congress and wowed to never return to active politics, today tweeted that he will be announcing his political future very soon.
Ganesh went on to shock his and Pawan Kalyan fans by tweeting, “Goodbye to slavery, welcome to honest politics.” He also tweeted that his politics will be filled with “honesty, sincerity, courage and attitude.” He then tweeted that one must enter politics only if he is “honest, hard working, valorous and possesses fighting spirit.”
Fans are wondering if he will join his favorite star Pawan Kalyan’s Janasena. However, only Ganesh knows what he is up to, and fans will have to wait until he ends the suspense himself.
రాజకీయాలంటే నిజాయితీ రాజకీయాలంటే నీతి రాజకీయాలంటే కష్టం రాజకీయాలంటే పౌరుషం రాజకీయాలంటే శ్రమ రాజకీయాలంటే పోరాటం ఇవన్నీ ఉంటేనే రాజకీయాల్లోకి చేరాలి రావాలి అందుకే వస్తా🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
— BANDLA GANESH. (@ganeshbandla) May 12, 2023