The theatrical trailer of the movie Changure Bangaru Raja, produced by Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja, was launched by the team a while ago. Starring Karthik Ratnam, Satya, and Ravi Babu in the key roles, the movie is written and directed by Satish Varma.
The trailer starts with a few people testing their luck by hunting for precious colored stones (Rangu Rallu in Telugu) worth hundreds of crores. Then, the romantic tracks kick in, providing fun. Actor Ajay plays the Police, and he is after Karthik Ratnam and Satya. A murder occurs, and Karthik Ratnam says he will catch hold of the murderer in a short span.
The trailer is filled that suspense, love, action, and comedy elements. Satya is once again in his element. It can be understood the characters in the film fight for those valuable colored stones as they believe they can change their fortunes. The movie is scheduled for a grand theatrical release on 15th September.
Goldie Nissy, Nitya Sri, and Ester Noronha are playing other vital roles. Krishna Saurabh is composing the tunes. Swetha Kakarlapudi and Shalini Nambu are creative producers. Sundar NC is handling the cinematography.