The glimpse of Pawan Kalyan’s OG has been unveiled today on the occasion of the actor’s birthday, and fans are over the moon. It indeed is one of the best to have come out in recent times. Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi, who is playing the antagonist, posted a heartfelt tweet wishing Pawan Kalyan.
Emraan Hashmi wrote that he was expecting the glimpse to blow away his mind and added that it did the same. Emraan Hashmi wrote that he hopes to see Pawan kill it often on and off screen for many more years. The versatile actor further lauded the work of Thaman, DOP Ravi K Chandran, editor Navin Nooli, and Arjun Das, who gave the voiceover.
“Be aware everyone, I am yet to come,” wrote the OG Villain. Fans of Pawan are desperate to watch the face-off between both actors. Priyanka Arul Mohan is playing the leading lady in this action drama directed by Sujeeth. DVV Danayya is producing this flick on a whopping budget.
To the #Powerstar #Hungrycheetah @pawankalyan Garu a supreme birthday, we hope to see you killing it on and off screen for many many more years.
# Sujeeth, somehow I was sure this will blow my mind and that’s exactly what the teaser did. @navinnooli @dop007 , @musicthaman…
— Emraan Hashmi (@emraanhashmi) September 2, 2023