Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas is on a roll. Even before his latest film Saakshyam hits the screens, the actor has already signed his next film, which is said to be a sports drama. The latest buzz in the industry is that the actor was mighty impressed with the script which Ohmkar has narrated to him.
Last year, Ohmkar’s Raju Gari Gadhi 2 didn’t quite live upto the expectations; however, that doesn’t seem to have had any effect on Sai Sreenivas’ decision to go ahead with this sports drama, which will be a first in his career. More details about this film are expected to be revealed soon.
Meanwhile, the actor’s next film Saakshyam is going to hit the screens soon. Sriwass is directing the film and Pooja Hegde is the lead actress in the action drama.