A while ago, the makers of Pawan Kalyan’s OG officially announced that noted actress Sriya Reddy is part of the project. Sriya Reddy has shared her excitement on her social profiles now. She wrote, “The moment I read this script, I said yes in less than 5 minutes! That’s the power of this character, so beautifully written by Sujeeth!”.
She further wrote that Pawan Kalyan is an amazing person with an incredible aura. Sriya Reddy also stated that Sujeeth had written a mind-blowing script. While sharing her excitement, Sriya Reddy spilled the beans about the presence of Prakash Raj in the movie.
Sriya Reddy wrote, “Boundaries will be broken, and new benchmarks will be set.” This tweet is now going viral, and Pawan Kalyan fans are on cloud nine. Danayya is producing this project under DVV Entertainment, and Priyanka Mohan is the female lead.