Young hero Vijay Deverakonda is quite thrilled with the success of his recently released romantic drama, Kushi. The film has collected over Rs 50 crore gross in its opening weekend and has already reached the break even mark in the USA. The movie’s unit celebrated this memorable success at a grand event in Vizag tonight.
During his speech at the success function, Vijay Deverakonda showed his magnanimous heart once again. He announced that he will be donating Rs 1 lakh each to 100 select ‘Devara Families’, which makes it a total donation of Rs 1 crore. “Providing this small monetary assistance to my ‘Devera Families’ from the money I have earned for Kushi will be the real success for me personally” Vijay said.
Vijay also revealed that he will be sharing a form on his social media platforms on Tuesday to select 100 families and donate the money within a week. Stay tuned for further updates on Vijay’s touching gesture.