Following the remarkable success of Karthikeya 2, director Chandoo Mondeti has unveiled his next ventures. One project involves Naga Chaitanya, last seen in Custody, with pre-production activities in full swing. Simultaneously, Chandoo Mondeti has excitedly revealed details about another ambitious undertaking.
In a recent interview, the youthful director divulged plans for an upcoming collaboration with the renowned actor Suriya. The director explained that the film would center around the four Vedas – Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda. This captivating project is set in the socio-fantasy genre, promising a unique cinematic experience.
Acknowledging Suriya’s prior commitments, Chandoo Mondeti affirmed that the film’s production is slated to commence in approximately two years. While more intriguing specifics about the project are yet to be disclosed, this collaboration undoubtedly promises to deliver a noteworthy cinematic creation.