Megastar Chiranjeevi, the undisputed king of Telugu cinema, was last seen in Waltair Veerayya, scheduled to make its OTT debut on Netflix on February 27, 2023. The mega actor expresses his joyfulness after his son and actor Ram Charan made his appearance on Good Morning America.
By now, many netizens are aware of the news that Ram Charan became the first South Indian and also the Telugu actor to make an appearance on the famous and most-viewed TV show, GMA. Charan was highly appreciated by the hosts for his phenomenal performance in RRR, a global blockbuster.
This made his father Chiranjeevi feel proud and so he took to Twitter and wrote, “A Proud Moment for Telugu / Indian Cinema. Ram Charan, features on the famed Good Morning America. Amazing how the power of One passionate idea born in the visionary. Rajamouli‘s brain, envelopes the world! Onwards & Upwards !!” The tweet was met with great enthusiasm from fans and followers.
Ram Charan, one of the presenters of the HCA Awards, will grace the event scheduled to happen at The Beverly Wilshire, a Four Seasons Hotel tomorrow. Keep browsing this page for more interesting updates.
A Proud Moment for Telugu / Indian Cinema @AlwaysRamCharan ,features on the famed #GoodMorningAmerica
Amazing how the power of One passionate idea born in the visionary @ssrajamouli ‘s brain, envelopes the world!
Onwards & Upwards !! 👏👏
— Chiranjeevi Konidela (@KChiruTweets) February 23, 2023