Former Sukumar protege Srikanth Odela made his directorial debut with the recently released period action drama, Dasara. Starring Nani and Keerthy Suresh in lead roles, the film went on to become a huge blockbuster at the box office. Srikanth had proved himself as a talented director, and he is now being flooded with offers from top heroes and banners.
Today, Srikanth Odela has turned a memorable chapter in his personal life. He tied the knot in an intimate ceremony that was held in his hometown Godavarikhani in Karimnagar district. The wedding was graced by several celebrities from the film industry. However, Dasara hero Nani couldn’t attend the wedding as he was stuck in an ad film’s shoot in Pune. The actor has sent a congratulatory message to Srikanth Odela on his special day.
On the work front, Srikanth Odela is yet to announce his second project. He is said to be in talks with a leading production house. More details about the project will be out soon.