Director Pavan Sadineni, who directed the films, Prema Ishq Kaadhal, Savitri, and Senapathi, is now coming up with a web series named Dayaa. The title was announced by the director yesterday, and well-known actor JD Chakravarthy plays the lead role.
Today the first look poster was dropped. JD Chakravarthy can be seen thinking deeply about something. Feel The Rage is the tagline of the show. The show will very soon premiere on the OTT platform Disney Plus Hotstar.
Apart from JD Chakravarthy, the series also features Eesha Rebba, Ramya Nambessan, and Kamal Kamaraju in other prominent roles. The director assures that the audience will see JD 2.0 in this series. Further details about the project are awaited.