Since yesterday night, a song has spread like wildfire across all social media platforms, and netizens started to believe it is from Ram Charan and Shankar’s Game Changer. This baffled many as to how such a leak could happen for a film that is being made on a prestigious note. A few started to pass their judgment on the leaked version as well.
Here is the clarity regarding what has been leaked online. According to the PR team, it is just a very basic (dummy) version. It was further stated that it is an inferior copy of the final copy sung by basic track singers. Fans were further asked to refrain from spreading it and forming opinions based on it.
Shankar is known for showcasing songs in a captivating and grand manner, and we need to see what he has in store for us. Charan fans pinned all their hopes on Thaman, who assured them a blockbuster album with Game Changer. Dil Raju, under Sri Venkateswara Creations, is backing the film. Kiara Advani plays the leading lady.