Over the past few months, Power Star Pawan Kalyan has been subjected to intense criticism from various quarters. All hell broke loose a few days before and after the release of the actor’s Sankranthi film, Agnyaathavaasi. Despite the constant attacks on his personal and professional lives, Pawan remained tight-lipped.
During his interaction with the media personnel and Janasena activists in his ongoing Chalo Re Telangana tour yesterday, Pawan opened up about the ongoing criticism. Quoting Lord Gautama Buddha, Pawan said that he has no time for his haters as he only caters all his time for those who love him. “All this hatred is nothing in front of the love you shower on me,” Pawan told hundreds of his cheering fans.
“Only powerful people can take on criticism. We should remain powerful and ignore all the criticism until detractors give up, Pawan Kalyan said.