Superstar Rajinikanth’s first look from the movie Lal Salaam was recently launched. The actor plays a special role in this flick which is being directed by his daughter Aishwarya Rajinikanth. Vishnu Vishal and Vikranth are playing the lead roles.
Superstar has now taken to his Twitter and announced that India’s first World Cup-winning captain Kapil Dev is part of the movie. Rajini wrote that working with such a legendary, most respected, and wonderful human being is his privilege and honor.
Kapil Dev, in fact, has acted in a few Bollywood films in the past. The movie is said to be centered around the cricket game and communism. Telugu actress Jeevitha Rajasekhar is playing a crucial role. Lyca Productions is bankrolling this project which will have AR Rahman’s tunes.
It is my honour and privilege working with the Legendary, most respected and wonderful human being Kapildevji., who made India proud winning for the first time ever..Cricket World Cup!!!#lalsalaam#therealkapildev
— Rajinikanth (@rajinikanth) May 18, 2023