Today, the grand pre-release event of Jawan took place in Chennai. King Khan Shah Rukh, along with the team, attended the event. Technicians who worked on this biggest flick have revealed the greatness of SRK. Editor Antony Ruben said that he asked Shah Rukh Khan if there was any lag in the film.
Shah Rukh asked Ruben to cut his portions instead of other actors’ scenes if at all duration becomes a problem. Later, art director Muthuraj revealed they had a long schedule in Chennai. He added that Shah Rukh Khan could have set up the entire production in Mumbai if he wanted to, but he chose to come to Chennai, which benefitted 3000 families.
These incidents define why SRK is one of the most loved stars in the country. The movie, directed by Atlee, has Anirudh Ravichander as the music composer. Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priyamani, Sanya Malhotra, Sunil Grover, and Yogi Babu played vital roles. The movie releases on 7th September.