Kiara Advani, who’ll soon make her debut in Telugu with Bharat Ane Nenu, is all praise for her co-star Mahesh Babu. “He was very patient with me during the shoot since I wanted to get my lines right. The best thing about him is that he doesn’t carry his superstar baggage with him to the sets,” she says.
Interestingly, the two actors bonded a lot over movies and Kiara reveals that the Superstar is obsessed with movies. “Whenever I come to Hyderabad to shoot with Mahesh Babu, the first thing he asks me is what movies I had seen in recent times. He loved talking about movies all the time,” Kiara revealed.
Apparently, the actress will be seen as a Hyderabadi girl whose father is a cop in this political drama which will hit the screens in April. Koratala Siva is directing the film.