Lal Salaam features Superstar Rajinikanth in a pivotal role. Vishnu Vishal and Vikrant are the lead actors in this Aishwarya Rajinikanth’s directorial. The movie primarily revolves around Cricket and Communism. It is hitting the big screens on 9th February. Today, the audio launch event was conducted in Chennai.
During the event, Vishnu Vishal said the movie would deal with a sensitive issue. Vishnu Vishal added that he thought the film would become controversial after listening to the script. Will the movie encounter any issues after its release? What is the sensitive issue Vishnu is referring to? To know that, we must wait a few days.
Legendary cricketer Kapil Dev played a cameo. Jeevitha Rajasekhar, Nirosha, Vivek Prasanna, Dhanya Balakrishna, Vignesh, Senthil, and Adithya Menon essayed vital roles. Subaskaran of Lyca Productions produced this project. AR Rahman composed the tunes.