The hype and expectations around Allu Arjun and Sukumar’s ongoing pan-Indian action drama, Pushpa The Rule, reached the skies following the launch of the power-packed glimpse on Allu Arjun’s birthday. Naturally, this translated into crazy deals to acquire the film’s rights from across the world.
Around a week ago, reports of Pushpa 2’s all language audio rights being sold to Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series for a whopping Rs 65 crore went viral in the media. However, here’s a fresh update. As per the latest reports, Bhushan Kumar had actually shelled out Rs 60 crore to acquire not only Pushpa 2’s global audio rights for all the languages, but the deal also includes the film’s Hindi version’s satellite rights.
Bhushan Kumar will later enter into a crazy deal with a leading TV channel for the Hindi telecast rights for a much higher profit. It’s well known that Allu Arjun and Bhushan Kumar will be joining forces with each other for a pan-India flick next year. The film will be directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga.