Fidaa starring Varun Tej and Sai Pallavi, is a massive hit. It was directed by Sekhar Kammula and produced by Dil Raju. But do you know that Tollywood Superstar Mahesh Babu and Bollywood star actress Deepika Padukone were the first choices for this Telugu blockbuster?
In a recent interview, Jayanth C Paranjee revealed this. The director wanted to produce a film with Mahesh, and at the same time, Sekhar Kammula narrated him Fidaa story. Then Sekhar gave the narration to Mahesh Babu, and the star actor was also highly impressed with the narration.
“But what stopped us from going forward is Mahesh Babu’s image, and hence we took a collective decision not to have Mahesh in the film,” said Jayanth. He also disclosed that Sekhar Kammula had Mahesh Babu in mind after penning the script. Jayanth further said he wanted to cast Deepika Padukone in the movie and added that he has a good rapport with the Hindi actress.