Tamil superstar Ajith Kumar’s much-talked-about 62nd film, Vidaa Muyarchi, was officially announced on May 1, on the occasion of the actor’s birthday. The film will be directed by Magizh Thirumeni. Ever since the announcement, Ajith fans have been eagerly waiting for further updates on the film’s shoot.
And here comes the much-awaited update on Vidaa Muyarchi’s first schedule. As per the latest reports, the movie’s unit will kick-start the shooting formalities from this week in an undisclosed location in Pune. The entire shoot will be wrapped up by October, before Ajith flags off his world bike tour in November.
Trisha is said to be the female lead in Vidaa Muyarchi. The film will mark Trisha and Ajith’s fifth collaboration. Anirudh Ravichander will be composing the music for this Lyca Productions’ venture. Vidaa Muyarchi will release theatrically in summer, 2024.