Mega Prince Varun Tej and gorgeous beauty Lavanya Tripathi got engaged yesterday and received blessings from their amicable ones. The pics which were shared online were admired by all the mega fans. The bewitching aspect among all is Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s presence in the ceremony, despite the actor’s hectic schedule. Naga Babu shared a pic featuring Pawan at the event and has come up with an interesting tweet.
The Mega brother felt nostalgic regarding Powerstar in the post that depicts their beautiful bond. Naga Babu wrote that when Powerstar was a child, he used to guide him in the correct way. Naga Babu added that as they grew up, Pawan Kalyan profoundly understood the right path to follow, and he himself was emulating Pawan’s footsteps.
Mega fans are highly pleased with the post of the Mega brother. On the professional front, Powerstar is swamped with the shooting schedules of OG, Ustaad Bhagat Singh, and BRO. He also is busy with the works of his Janasena Party, in which Nagababu is the General Secretary.