Intinti Ramayanam, which was initially planned to release directly on Aha, is now all set to release in theatres. Bankrolled by Venkat Upputuri and Gopi Chand Innamuri under IVY Productions, the film is presented by Suryadevara Naga Vamsi and Maruthi Team. Suresh Naredla is the writer and director.
The team is now busy marketing the film. In one of the promotional events, Naga Vamsi said that they initially planned to release the movie on OTT, but the film’s output made them opt for a theatrical release.
Naga Vamsi added that two of his good friends are getting launched through the film and expressed his hope that they would taste success. Rahul Ramakrishna, Navya Swamy, Naresh Vijaya Krishna, Gangavva, Surabhi Prabhavathi, Anji Mama, and others played key roles in this flick. Kalyani Malik composed the soundtracks.