Nikhil and Swathi relieved with Swamy Ra Ra

Published on Apr 2, 2013 4:45 AM IST

Nikhil and Swathi relieved with Swamy Ra Ra

Published on Apr 2, 2013 4:45 AM IST

The film industry is a funny place. Success can open many doors but a single failure can irrevocably damage an actor/technician’s career. Hero Nikhil and heroine Swathi had a great start to their respective careers. But a string of disappointments followed and their careers failed to take off as expected.

However, Swamy Ra Ra brought some much needed relief for these young and talented actors. The movie is being well received in multiplexes and A centers. Overseas crowds have also received the movie reasonably positively. Debut director Sudheer Varma has also scored good points with movie lovers and critics alike.

Will Nikhil and Swathy kick start their second innings with this success? Let us hope that they do.