The recently released teaser for hero Nikhil’s upcoming pan-India film, Spy, created a lot of buzz with its intriguing concept. The Spy thriller is based on the mysterious death of India’s freedom struggle icon Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Thanks to the universally appealing concept, there has been a lot of anticipation for the movie.
Meanwhile, Spy’s makers released the film’s first single earlier today. Titled Jhoom Jhoom, the song is a breezy and melodious romantic number composed by Vishal Chandrasekhar. Now, Nikhil’s total silence on the song release is raising several eyebrows. The actor hasn’t shared the song on his social media pages even after several hours of its release.
There have been speculations that Nikhil and Spy’s producers are not on the same page regarding the film’s release date. Spy is slated for a pan-India release on June 29, and Nikhil reportedly believes that 2 weeks are not enough to promote the film. The buzz further has it that Nikhil is in favor of postponing the film and release it after a decent round of promotions. We will have some clarity on this issue in a few days.
Spy has young actresses Iswarya Menon and Sanya Thakur in key roles. The film is directed and edited by Garry BH. K Rajashekhar Reddy has produced the movie apart from penning the story.