Nikhil will be next seen in the PAN Indian film SPY. Directed by Garry BH, the film’s story is penned by K Rajashekhar Reddy. He is also the producer of the flick. As promised, the makers gave the release date announcement today. A short glimpse was released in this regard.
SPY will be hitting the big screens on June 29. The announcement video also has a special surprise for the audience. It indicates that the film will have the angle of one of the greatest freedom fighters of India, Subhash Chandra Bose. “The Hidden Story” and “India’s Best Kept Secret” are the terms used by the makers in this glimpse.
There is a lot of mystery around the death of Subhash Chandra Bose. Will SPY deal with it? We shall wait and see. It was also said that the teaser will come out on 12th May. We might know more details once the teaser comes. Iswarya Menon plays the female lead. Aryan Rajesh plays a crucial role.
It will be BIG! EXPLOSIVE & EPIC! 🔥 💥 Get ready for an action adventure on a world of secrets.
Join us on a mission to unravel India's best kept secret the Great Subhash Chandra Bose 🙏🏽
A Stunning subject which I Truly believe in #SPY
Logo & Release date Announcement 👉🏻…— Nikhil Siddhartha (@actor_Nikhil) May 6, 2023