With less than two days to go before Padmavat releases all over India, the protests against the film have intensified, despite Supreme Court quashing a petition to ban the film. In a dramatic turn of events, some protesters from Karni Sena set several vehicles ablaze outside a popular mall in Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
According to the latest reports, police officials have rushed to the spot to take charge of the situation, and they are trying to bring the protests under control. Soon after the news broke, several people criticised the Gujarat government for failing to curb the protests. Not just in Gujarat, for the past few days, several towns in Rajasthan too witnessed intense protests.
Meanwhile, the police department in Haryana has amplified police protection to theatres screening the film. In Gurgaon, section 144 has been announced outside malls and theatres to prevent any untoward incidents. Directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the film stars Deepika Padukone, Shahid Kapoor, and Ranveer Singh.