Actor Nikhil gained reputation nationwide with the film Karthikeya 2. Up next, he will be seen in the PAN Indian flick SPY. Well-known editor Garry BH is making his directorial debut with this flick which is being produced by K Rajashekhar Reddy under Ed Entertainments.
The release date announcement will be coming out tomorrow, along with the film’s logo. These days filmmakers are showing more interest in making spy genre films, and it needs to be seen to what extent the Nikhil starrer will entertain. The shooting has already been wrapped up
The post-production works are going on at a brisk pace. Aryan Rajesh, who started his second innings with Vinaya Vidheya Rama, will be seen in a crucial role in SPY. Iswarya Menon plays the female lead. The movie already fetched huge money for the makers through its non-theatrical business.