Pawan Kalyan, who has been touring across several regions in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, has announced his support to a bandh in Andhra Pradesh to protest against the gross injustice done to the state in the recent central budget allocation. Soon after it became clear that the centre won’t give a special status to Andhra Pradesh as promised earlier, several political parties have been voicing their concern.
Responding to a call for bandh, Pawan Kalyan said, “Janasena supports tomorrow’s(08-02-18) Bandh call given by AP political parties. But Janasena cadre should confine to only peaceful protest without inconveniencing public.The purpose of Bandh is to express people’s pain to centre and state Govt.”
On the other hand, when Pawan Kalyan was asked if he’s going to support BJP like he did in the previous elections, he said, “Here the question is not about supporting or not supporting BJP. The question is what are the things that you have fulfilled. It is not about power or politics but about governance.” With all these latest developments, it looks like the next few weeks are going to be quite charged up for both Pawan Kalyan and also Janasena party.