After several months of internal conflicts and intense allegations, the Telugu Film Producer’s Council is finally holding the elections today to constitute its new panel. The polling is currently underway at the Film Chamber in Jubilee Hills. Prominent Tollywood producers like Dil Raju, Mythri Movie Makers’ Ravi Kiran, Tagore Madhu, Sravanthi Ravi Kishore, C Kalyan, Posani Krishna Murali and others have cast their vote.
This time, the council is divided into two factions – Progressive Producers Guild led by Damu with Dil Raju’s support and Producers Council led by C Kalyan respectively. Recently, C Kalyan called the Progressive Producers Guild as mafia and even warned that the rebel produces who work against the Council will be dealt with strictly.
In the run-up to the ongoing election, the Producer’s Council has suspended producer K Suresh Babu for 3 years, while another producer Yalamanchi Ravichand has been ousted from the council permanently. The council has over 1,600 members.
మొదలయిన ప్రొడ్యూసర్ కౌన్సిల్ ఎన్నికలు
— 123telugu (@123telugu) February 19, 2023