Prakash Raj reveals about Ulavacharu Biryani title

Published on May 29, 2014 7:04 PM IST

Prakash Raj reveals about Ulavacharu Biryani title

Published on May 29, 2014 7:04 PM IST

‘Ulavacharu Biryani’ is the latest directorial venture from Prakash Raj and he himself is producing this trilingual. In an interview, Prakash Raj revealed that the title of Ulavacharu Biryani was suggested by ace director Puri Jagannath.

Talking about the film the actor said that this movie has an interesting screenplay with some unexpected twists. Talking about direction the actor said, “I read a lot of books and usually pen down scripts sometimes. I am very much interested in direction in future.”

Incidentally, Prakash’s wife Pony Verma worked as an assistant director an choreographer before. The actor revealed that she is also interested in direction. The actor is currently entangled in several controversies, and lets hope this film gives him some success.