Earlier in the day, it was announced that Ram Charan and Vikram’s new production house V Mega Pictures, will collaborate with Abhishek Agarwal Arts. It was also announced that the details of their first project will come out tomorrow. Now the makers dropped a pre-look poster about the film, and it looks interesting.
In the poster, a person’s hand can be seen riding a boat near the iconic London Bridge. The production house came up with the caption, “The hero steering this tale and changing the course of history.” Also, the makers asked the audience to guess who the hero is.
Social media is abuzz with the discussion that the lead role will be essayed by either Akhil or Nikhil. We will get to know the details about the hero and director tomorrow at 11:11 AM. “Revolution is brewing” is the tagline for this flick.
The hero steering this tale and changing the course of history ❤️🔥
Any guesses?
Announcement tomorrow at 11.11 AM 💥#RevolutionIsBrewing@AlwaysRamCharan @AbhishekOfficl @AAArtsOfficial pic.twitter.com/gzXvbedkuh
— V Mega Pictures (@VMegaPictures_) May 27, 2023