Malayali starlet Anju Kurian is well-known to Telugu movie lovers for her cameo in the blockbuster Malayalam romantic drama, Premam. Anju is making her Tollywood debut with Sumanth’s ongoing thriller, Idam Jagat.
In her latest interaction with a leading English daily, Anju said that she had got a few offers in Telugu earlier, but she didn’t take them up because she was apprehensive about the language. She felt Idam Jagat would be a great launch pad in the Telugu film industry after listening to the script.
Anju plays a playschool teacher in Idam Jagat. She is all praises for hero Sumanth and the film’s team. “Sumanth helped me get my lines right so that I can express myself in a better way. I’m also quite impressed with director Anil Srikantam’s clarity of thought. Also, the crew has been so supportive that I want to do more Telugu films,” Anju said.