It’s well-known that actor Rahul Ravindran is making his directorial debut with a romantic drama titled ChiLaSow. The film features Sushanth and Punjabi actress Ruhani Sharma as the main leads. In his latest interview with a leading English daily, Rahul revealed the inspiration behind making ChiLaSow.
Rahul goes back to a decade when one of his friends had gone through challenging times due to an arranged marriage. “When he shared an incident, I knew that if things had turned out different, the results wouldn’t be the same. It set me thinking of the possibilities of a different turn of events,” Rahul explained. He further revealed that comedian Vennela Kishore had suggested the film’s title.
ChiLaSow’s post-production formalities are nearing completion and the film will be released during summer. Siruni Cine Corp banner is producing the movie.