Superstar Rajinikanth’s last film has been a hot topic of discussion over the past few years. Since Kaala, every film of the Superstar was rumored to be his last. But Rajini continued to act in a handful of movies. Thalaivar will be next seen in his 169th film, Jailer, and his 170th film, under TJ Gnanavel’s direction, and in a power-packed cameo in his daughter Aishwarya’s Laal Salaam.
Now, in a latest interview, acclaimed Tamil filmmaker Mysskin shocked everyone with his revelation. He said Rajinikanth will be teaming up with Vikram and Leo director Lokesh Kanagaraj for his 171st film. Mysskin went on to reveal that Thalaivar171 may be the last movie in Rajini’s illustrious career that spanned over 5 decades.
Mysskin further said that Rajinikanth himself had approached Lokesh and evinced interest in collaborating with him. Well, whether or not Thalaivar171 will be the Superstar’s last, but the Rajini-Lokesh collaboration is sure to leave their fans thrilled. Stay tuned for more updates on this crazy project.