Siva Karthikeyan has created his own path in Kollywood and has now become a bankable star. The actor’s last film Prince didn’t attain the desired result. Up next, he will be seen in Maaveeran, directed by National Award-winning director Madonne Ashwin.
There are good expectations around this flick. The latest news is that Udhayanidhi Stalin’s Red Giant Movies have acquired the Tamilnadu distribution rights of this biggie. Of late, the production company has been aggressive on the distribution side and has released the majority of the films in Tamilnadu.
Aditi Shankar is playing the female lead. Maaveeran also stars Sunil, Mysskin, and Yogi Babu in other key roles. Arun Viswa is bankrolling Maaveeran under the banner of Shanthi Talkies. Bharath Sankar is composing the tunes. Maaveeran and its Telugu dubbed version, Mahaveerudu, will hit the cinemas on July 14, 2023.