Young actor Kiran Abbavaram is content with the success of his recently released romantic thriller, Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha. Within 10 days of its release, the film collected a cool Rs 11.07 crore gross at the box offices worldwide. Last night, Kiran took to Twitter and thanked his fans for making VBVK a grand success.
In his thank you note last night, Kiran also promised his fans that he will be back with updates on his new film. And the makers of the actor’s upcoming entertainer, Meter, will be formally announcing the film’s release date this evening at 4:59 pm. Meter has Kollywood actress Athulya Ravi as its leading lady. The film is being directed by Ramesh Kaduri.
Noted music composer Sai Karteek is scoring the soundtrack for Meter. Leading production house Mythri Movie Makers is bankrolling the project in association with Chiranjeevi’s (Cherry) Clap Entertainment. Stay tuned for further updates.