The NCB has arrested Bollywood starlet Rhea Chakraborty, her brother and a dozen others in connection with the drug scandal that emerged during Sushant Singh Rajput death investigation. Now, Bollywood heroine and Sushant’s Chhichhore co-star Shraddha Kapoor’s name has popped up in connection with the drug parties at Sushant’s Lonavala farmhouse.
In a popular news channel’s sting operation, Sushant’s farmhouse manager Raees revealed that apart from Sushant, Sara Ali Khan and Rhea, even Shraddha Kapoor used to frequent the farmhouse during the rave parties organized by Sushant. Raees also revealed that ganja (cannabis), smoking papers and expensive vodka were common in their island parties.
Raees, who has been working with Sushant since September 2018, said that the actor visited this farmhouse 1 to 2 times a week before the lockdown. Sushant even planned to spend the lockdown at his farmhouse, but cancelled his plans due to reasons unknown.