It’s been just over a month since Bollywood couple Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani tied the knot with each other in a grand ceremony in Jaisalmer. And now, Bollywood media is abuzz with speculations that the newlyweds will be sharing the screen in their mentor and hotshot Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar’s next production.
Apparently, this as-yet-untitled film is an unusual romantic comedy and it will be produced by Karan Johar under his Dharma Productions banner. If materialized, this will be the second time that both Sidharth and Kiara would be starring opposite each other after the acclaimed 2021 war drama Shershaah.
Apparently, Sidharth loved the script very much and felt that fans would want to see him and Kiara in an interesting love story. In fact, it’s Sidharth who took the script to Karan and got his approval. More details about the project will be out soon.