Special robot used for Eega

Published on Jul 5, 2012 9:01 PM IST

Special robot used for Eega

Published on Jul 5, 2012 9:01 PM IST

S.S.Rajamouli’s ‘Eega’ is all set to release on July 6th and the movie will be breaking new barriers in terms of technology used for a Telugu Movie. The principal character in the film,the Eega, is actually a special robot that has been designed exclusively for the movie. The scenes have been shot using this special Robot and extensive post production work was done to bring about a life like reality to the whole proceedings.

Apart from the robot, several camera jibs and cranes which were never used in Telugu Film Industry have been used by Rajamouli for this movie. All these technological aspects pushed up the budget from the initial 2.5 Crores to an estimated 30 Crores.