Suriya’s recent film Gang, which released on January 12, did quite well at the box-office in the two Telugu speaking states, despite a limited release. The actor also travelled to several centres in coastal Andhra Pradesh to promote the film which fetched good results.
Not just in AP and Telangana, the film’s original Tamil version Thaana Serndha Kootam too is doing quite well all over Tamil Nadu. Speaking at the film’s success meet in Chennai, Suriya revealed that the extensive travelling for the film’s promotions in AP and spicy food have taken a toll on his health. “I didn’t think I would make it to this success meet, but I did because I wanted to share this happy moment with all of you. I don’t get into collections, but I must say that the film’s collections on day 3 were better than its opening day, and then, Monday’s numbers were better than Sunday’s. This proves that the people have embraced the film and the numbers speak for themselves.”
Directed by Vignesh Shivan, the film was produced by KE Gnanavel Raja. “I have got a great response from audience and critics alike who said that I really needed a film like this at this stage of my career. The credit goes to Vignesh and Gnanavel Raja for this change,” Suriya added.